I've bought many book reading lights, but this is absolutely the best. The flex-neck allows the light to be evenly distributed over any book size, whether its paperback or hard cover.
The Lithium button cell batteries do seem to last a long time. If you buy them in bulk, it's not too expensive to replace, a much better option than the heavy rechargeable units.
It's now 2010, and have not found any reason to look for anything better from a weight, battery life, and function standpoint. I now have 3 for use in multiple locations. LightWedge Flex Neck Reading Light, Soft Touch Black
This reading light is great, the flexing neck lets you bend it any way you need for where you clip it, the 2 LEDs put out just the right ammount of light to see both pages perfectly without throwing any light around the room, and for 10 bucks you just cant beat this. Best reading light ever.
Update: Been using this for several months now. Still like it very much.. the batteries are a little more expensive than AAAs would be, $5 for the 2 it uses if I remember correctly, but its worth it cuz theyre very lightweight.
The power in my house goes out on a regular basis, so I finally figured out that maybe getting a book light or two would be a worthwhile investment. After reading the reviews, I decided to get both a Great Point Light-Flex-Neck and a Flex Light from Fulcrum. Each has its pluses and minuses and which one is better for you depends on what you want to use it for.
The Fulcrum light is brighter than the Great Point and covers a larger area. The switch is also much easier to use since it slides. On the Great Point, the top presses down and it's hard to get it to stay on. Sometimes it switches off for no apparent reason. It's either a poor design or I got a defective unit. The Fulcrum also takes 3 AAA batteries, which fit into the base, making it both heavier (about 2 1/2 ounces compared to about 1 1/2 ounces for the Great Point) and as a result making the clip a lot bulkier as well. The Great takes lithium batteries, much lighter, but also harder to find.
The Fulcrum is too heavy and too bulky to make it easy to attach to a paperback, and if you want to attach it to any book and hold the book up to read, it gets heavy very quickly. Its brighter light and greater weight and area make it a good choice for when you want to set a larger and heavier book on a table or for attaching to a very sturdy and prominent back rest, plus the easy availability of AAA batteries means you probably have a spare set around when the ones in the Fulcrum run out or at least you can grab replacements at the grocery store. The Great Point is better if you want to attach it to a book you are holding up to read, or to a paperback, or for when you want a little less light so as not to disturb a partner in bed. In any event, since they are both better than reading by candlelight both suit my needs, but one or the other is probably going to be better for most people depending on what you want. Or spring for both so you always have a spare. At this price, you could just about afford one for every room.
This is a very lightweight reading light which wraps and snaps into itself, making it convenient to throw into a purse or travel bag. The on/off switch won't turn on due to jostling around in your bag, either. This is not my favorite reading lamp, however, since the clear area for the light illumination is also on the sides, not just the end of the lamp. This makes the light glare out on those around you instead of focusing only on your book. I prefer a more focused style lamp for home use.
EDIT: April 2008
The manufacturer states we should get "30 hours of light from 2 CR 2032 batteries." I read a minimum of 3 nights a week for 30 minutes.
The light dimmed beyond usefulness after 2 months. While this meets the manufacturer's estimate, it is bothersome and expensive to replace the batteries which cost around $4 each.
NOTE: I have switched to using the Fulcrum Multi Flex LED Book Light (now $10.99 - noticed $5.99 December 07). This light takes 3 AAA batteries that I can buy inexpensively in bulk. The light weight, sturdy clip, and bendable neck is much the same. More light for the buck.
The Great Point Light at $9.99 is a fabulous bargain! It weighs very little and feels as if it isn't there as I hold the book. The clamp stays put and easily attaches to both paperback and hardback books. It sheds just the right amount of light (something you'd think all book lights would do). The cap around the light keeps the light aimed at the page and allows me to read and my husband to sleep (or drive if we're in the car).
I have a bedside drawer full of substandard book lights including:
- Zelco's Itty Bitty Booklight bulbs burnt out quickly and were expensive to replace. I've owned three and all three neck pieces failed to stay up and over time kept falling down toward the book page.
- The Phorm Light Voyager at $24.99 was way overpriced and heavy, falling of paperbacks and adding to the weight of a hardback.
- Tectron's battery powered LED book light sheds so little light I had to keep moving it around as I read.
- Tote's Slim Clip is small which is good, but the clip doesn't hold many pages and comes off easily. Also, the light is a narrow focus and has to be moved around as you read.
- I have more, but you get the idea.
I'm buying more Great Point Light book lights in case they stop making them, the price goes up, and to have in different rooms of the house. Great for car too. Maybe I should just buy stock in the company! - Book Light - Kindle Book Light - Book Lights - Kindle Booklight'
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