There is no doubt that Arctic Silver 5 is effective at reducing CPU thermals. This is a great kit because it has relatively generous quantities of product. The CLEANER is handy for quickly wiping off old nasty compound from the heatsink and CPU. The follow-up liquid simply and effectively drives off the remnants of the orange-based cleanser so that the heat compound can make excellent contact with the porous metals of the heatsink and CPU cop heat spreader. The tiny micro-fiber cloth is great but it'll be clogged with relatively little use. You can easily substitute similar cloths or Bounty quality paper towel squares. Just don't use cheap tissues or toilet paper or nasty linty economy paper towel material! HINT to rookies: do not apply too much compound; the heatsink already fits fairly tight, so there isn't a whole lot of gap to make up -- it's just the slight surface imperfections that hold air and thus prevent good thermal transfer. I suggest you smear a small glob in the center of the CPU and then spread it around with a gloved or Saran-wrapped finger until the surface is dirty with Arctic Silver, but not piled high as if laying bricks. Lay down the heatsink at a slight angle and jiggle it side-to-side a tiny bit. This will help release any trapped air bubbles, the kiss of thermal death. Secure the HS and run the PC. After a few days/weeks, the compound will seal the surfaces and you'll achieve optimal heat transfer capability. Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound 12grams with ArctiClean 120ml Kit (Includes 2 30ml ArctiClean 1 and 2 30ml ArctiClean 2) with Bonus DB Roth Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
I bought this product to replace an accidental mix of two other heat sink transfer pastes. I had mixed the material included with an Intel Quad 4 I7 processor and an older version of this product. Well, what can I say? The Intel processor instructions ignored the fact that it already had a heat-sink paste (evidently, a wax type) on it and the motherboard book stated that an application of heat-sink grease was absolutely needed. The mixing of two greases caused the processor to run at about 96 degrees C and that, by all accounts, was too high.
I bought the kit, which includes the cleaner, specifically because I thought that using the recommended cleaner might be a plus. I have many solvents at hand and some would have been adequate, but the recommended, included solvent would be guaranteed to be compatible. It might also be friendly to the surrounding area, should some stray.
The instructions were clear and the applications of the cleaner and heat-transfer grease were well explaind and straight-forward. The cleaning phase required a few cotton-tipped applicators, a couple of paper towels, and the included microfiber cloth was a plus for this event, too.
The end result was that, after the application of this product, the processor ran at 62 degrees C. That is an immediate benefit of 34 degrees C. I expect that the initial temp may lower with continued use, as it is apt to do during what is apparently an application "settling-in" process.
Do use this product, as it works.
For those that swap heat sinks enough to be here, looking for a product like this, you need to look no further. Surface cleans very well with the 2 step system. Leaves the die surface prime for a fresh coat of whatever TIM you are wanting to use.
Reoommended! - Thermal Paste - Cpu Grease - Thermal Compound - Arctic Silver'
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