These insoles are excellent for relieving the debilitating pain of Plantar Fasciitis (AKA: Heel Spurs).
A few years back I went to a store and got some $400 custom-made inserts. Later, I started running and developed incredible heal pain and stiffness. When I'd get up in the morning, my first steps would be so painful I'd groan out loud and shuffle like an old man.
I now own 8 pairs of these inserts. I first came across these based on reviews from the heelspurs website. For a while, I switched them between several pairs of shoes... and finally, I purchased enough so I wouldn't have to keep switching them out. They work in dress shoes, running shoes, and casual shoes. I have them in New Balance Walking, New Balance Hiking, New Balance Running, Avia running, Nun Bush Dress, and Rockports.
They may be 0.1 to 0.25" inches higher than your shoe's original insoles. If your shoes are tight, you may have to loose your laces a little more to accommodate the difference. For best results, try new shoes on in the stores with a pair of these insoles.
Within the first 3 months of using these, all of my heal pains receded. My tendons and ligaments returned do their normal condition, and I don't hurt any more.
One warning of note though, getting the correct size is relatively important. I once re-ordered some of these 1/2 size smaller than the others I'd purchased (by mistake). The 1/2 shoe size difference changed the position of the arch support just enough that my feet started to hurt again. I had to exchange the smaller inserts for the larger size. Powerstep Original Full Length Orthotic Insoles FL-G (M10-10.5/W12-12.5)
I have had 5 pairs of Powerstep insoles--2 original and 3 Pinnacle. While the Pinnacle might seem like a better deal because it is only a couple of bucks more and provides some additional cushioning, I have found that they do not last nearly as long. I still have the first 2 pairs of the original model, but have worn out all of the Pinnacle versions. The neoprene cushioning will give way after about 500 miles of running, but the Originals seem to be as effective as the day I bought them. Good running shoes do not need additional cushioning (I highly recommend the Asics Nimbus if you are a neutral to under-pronator). I have found that these insoles extend the useable life of the Asics Nimbus shoes (good thing because they are expensive), apparently because the semi-rigid insole distributes my weight more evenly on the mid-sole, so the mid-soles does not break down as quickly.
I bought the first pair because of having troubles with plantar fascitis, and it was helpful there. 90% of the time this is all I need to keep it at bay. Occasionally I will use the famous soda can therapy that quickly clears up any hints of PF (in case you have not heard of this therapy, it consists of sitting in a chair while rolling a can under the arch and heel of your foot).
There may be other insoles that do as good of a job and last as long, but I have been so satisfied with these, why try anything else?
First impression is not great. I ordered these on-line and then before they came I happened to see the Dr. Scholl's Foot Mapping machine in a store. The machine recommended Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic Inserts CF 440 because I have low arch and very high pressure. I went ahead and bought those and started wearing them, and I love them. These were not the cheap replacement in-soles, BTW, like I've tried before from the drug store. They were more expensive than the Powersteps.
Then the Powerstep Originals came in the mail. After wearing them a while both my feet were hurting, although originally it was only my right foot that was bothering me.
Maybe my feet would get used to them after a while. The directions do say to wear them only a few hours a day at first. However, the Dr. Scholl's orthotic inserts provided immediate relief without any need for a break-in period.
I have tried everything from off the rack insoles to custom made orthotics to address the shin pain, due to overpronation or flat feet, I get from fast walking and running.
These are no magic cure for me, but they at least feel like they are doing something. Unlike most off the rack insoles the arches of these don't just flatten out with your foot, they provide real support but not too much ( like WalkFits ).
Even though the outer parts wearout with use the internal hard arch piece seems to hold up well. Once the outer layers wear away I plan on just putting the hard part under thin insoles to keep using them. I suspect these would be helpful for those who have minor foot problems.
I had a heel spur (plantarus fasciaitis - No idea how to spell it) and podiatrist recommended a great run/walk shoe store. The running shop had more info on the condition than the podiatrist and almost demanded these. Problem cured!!
I have heard of people suffering for years with heel spurs. Instant relief! Plus these cured it in less than 60 days.
Other insoles are just pads and cushions. Powersteps are rigid and hold the foot and support the arch.
I was looking for a soft orthotic that would cushion the metatarsal or bottom front of my feet. These turned out to be made from almost hard material and were in no way what I was looking for. The descriptions and pictures of the orthotics are not good enough to allow you to select the correct orthotic you want. These may be good orthotics to someone but were not what I was looking for. AND I ordered two pair. So now I have two pair that I have not used and probably never will.
My advice is to not order something like this online unless you have a specific part or model number and know what you are getting is correct. Craig Murphy - Orthotics - Arch Supports - Plantar Fasciitis - Powerstep'
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