I have been doing Bikram yoga for about a year now, and needed something longer than a normal bath towel. Instead of buying the expensive yoga towels, I went for Gaiam's, and have not been too impressed. It does absorb much more than a normal towel, but does not stay put on top of the mat in between poses which causes me to constantly fix it, leaving me with little if any resting time. I suggest buying the expensive towels for it's worth the cost in the end. Gaiam Thirsty Yoga Towel (Smokey Purple)
Just started Bikram (hot) yoga and was slipping and sliding on my old bath towel, so I decided to give this a try. It fits perfectly to my yoga mat and really does absorb the sweat really well. It bunches up a little when we are moving positions a lot, but overall I feel it was money well spent, especially seeing how much other manufacturers charge. Definitely worth it!
I bought this in place of a Yogitoes towel and found that although it doesn't have the anti-skid nubs on the underside it still stays in place fairly well. It's super absorbant and significantly cheaper than a Yogitoes towel. I endorse this product.
This towel works well - absorbs moisture, fits a yoga mat perfectly, and is well worth the purchase if you slip due to perspiration in a yoga class. Other similar products cost twice as much and I see no reason to pay that much. I would buy this product again.
I wasnt impressed with this towel at all. i would have been better off spending a few extra bucks on a yogitoe with non-slip backing because this yoga mat towel made maneuvering much more difficult. A lot of slippage and made practice distracting. WOuld work in a pinch for heated yoga when a lot of sweat is involved.
I bought this because when I am doing more vigorous yoga the palms of my hands and soles of my feet tend to sweat making it very difficult not to slide all over the mat. As a result, I find my form suffers and I don't get as good of a workout.
This towel is an okay solution to those problems. It absorbs moisture very well so I no longer slip at all, even after a long class. It is also long enough that it covers my whole mat minus about 3 inches. However, the towel tends to get VERY bunched up. This is especially problematic if you are doing something like a flow class and don't have time between poses to stop and smooth it out. It actually doesn't disrupt my yoga practice that much, but it does make me feel more self conscious. Other than that I do enjoy this towel so I am going to see about using velcro or another solution to keep it secured to my mat as this is the only gripe I have.
Pretty color, but moves around a lot and is basically like any other towel from home. I suggest buying the "Hot Yoga Mat Towel 2 Pack for Bikram Ashtanga Iyengar" - these towels are the best for my Bikram practice, so much so that I even wrote a review :)
I am definitely a fan of this towel. I do Bikram yoga 4-5 times per week, and this towel absorbs well, and fits perfectly on my mat. One Thirsty Towel was not cutting it for the frequency of my Bikram Yoga practice, so I bought 2 more. The price is right, and it does the job. I noticed a lot of people were saying this towel slides around on their mat - I do not experience this. Perhaps you aren't sweating enough to make this thing stick to your mat?? :) I sweat like a fire hydrant on full blast, so I am sure that is why my towel doesn't slide around my mat. If you don't sweat much, maybe you would be better off with the more expensive kind with the silicone dots.
Definitely a fan, and will probably buy a 4th!'
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