While these JBUDS did not, in a side by side comparison, provide as much surrounding, warm sound as my Sennheiser 212 headphones, they provided excellent clarity, especially on KJAZZ radio. Talk formats are also excellent. The comfort is surprisingly good for an in-ear bud. For 20 dollars, this is a great substitute for the cheaper buds that come with most MP3 players.
Update on 12-21-06: I've come to be more impressed with my JBuds over the last two weeks, marvelling at the bright, crisp, and yes, warm sound that comes out of these inexpensive buds. Perhaps, as I've read in some of the headphone information that is out there, that there is a "breaking in" period, which has something to do with loosening the tranducer. In any event, I'd have to give these JBuds another star.
Second Update 10-8-07: My only complaint about the JBuds is that sleeping with them at night I will sometimes wake up and the bud will have fallen off. I can't secure the buds to my satisfaction; however, the JBuds are so comfortable I deal with this problem.
Third Update 1-7-08: The sound is not quite as good as the slightly more expensive V-Moda; however, the JBuds are easier on my ears for long-term (I sleep with them on) listening. Also the JBuds have a longer extension and don't pull out of the radio or iPod headphone jack as easily as the V-Modas, so again on balance the JBuds are better. JBuds Hi-Fi Noise-Reducing Ear Buds (White)
Awesome headphones. I love these guys and have been using them for about 6 months now. Their sound is impeccable, and are extremely comfortable, I wear them while studying I mean like 8-10 hours a day, and never really notice them. I wouldn't say that these are actually noise cancelling via electrical interference, its more via sound muffling than anything, but don't misinterpret, with the sound at a medium volume you will kill all but the loudest ambient noise. I highly recommend these. Flat out the best $20 I have EVER spent.
I bought these headphones to replace my Sony MDR-EX51LP Fontopia Headphones. I like these better for one two reasons
1) completely superficial reason - it matches my black ipod
2) completely non superficial reason - it's better for my hearing
I typcially keep the sound on my ipod locked at 75% to minimize damage to my ears. With these JBuds I don't have to take that precaution, because I never have to raise the volume up that high. And I listen to my ipod chiefly going back and forth on the subway in D.C., where it can be pretty difficult to block out the sound of the train. I'm really glad I bought them.
Two words of caution, however. First, I don't think the sound is as good as it was with the Sony headphones. I listen mostly to podcasts and audiobooks, though, so it doesn't affect me much. Also, I'm not an audiophile so my standards aren't that high. Secondly, I've gone through 3 pairs of these types of headphones due to the rubber tips falling off. While I prefer these type of headphones to other in-ear phones (I've got small ears, and other types hurt), this is getting pretty aggravating. So electronic companies? Work on that.
I played the numbers game when deciding on a pair of earbuds for listening to voice podcasts on my daily 20 minute train commute. Figured that with a 4-out-of-5-star average on 870 reviews my chances were pretty good that I'd get a great product.
Well, I've read the 1-star reviews and not all of them are by people who are sound-afficionados concerned with clarity, bass, etc. No, the majority of 1-star ratings concern a crackling and then total failure of one of the earbuds. My 1-star review falls in that category.
I'd had these earbuds exactly 3 months when the right-side earbud started to die. At first, if I wiggled the jack or held the wire a certain way, and remained perfectly still, it'd come back but only go out again. I became so focused on holding/wiggling the wire that there were times I forgot what I was trying to listen to on the podcasts.
Today was the last time I attempted the odd hold/wiggle/be still sychronization. Nothing worked. I think now it's gone for good and I'm down to one earbud, which is annoying and leaves me with mono-ear. Can't think of anything unusual I did. Just sat on the train and walked in the train station. Disappointing.
I see a lot of reviewers complaining that the buds are not "noise-cancelling", but you can't expect that from buds with no electronic noise-cancellation. I like to walk down a particularly noisy street to get to class, and the difference between these and the standard iPod buds is incredible. I can comfortably walk to classes with the volume anywhere between 1/4 and 1/2 of full strength (as opposed to around 3/4 with other buds) and still hear just fine, which is definitely better for my hearing. I still want to hear busses, horns, etc for safety, so this does exactly what I need - muffles/blocks conversations and the like while still allowing me to hear necessary things.
Also, the different size fittings are a great feature. It takes a bit of experimentation to find the right size and fit, but once you do, the outside noise suppression and the sound quality are undeniably impressive.
As for that sound quality... While I don't have much to which to compare these and I'm no "audiophile", I couldn't be happier with the money I spent. I listen to a very wide variety of music (acoustic singer-songwriters, rock, rap, country, etc) and the sound is great for all of them. Good, crisp bass response in the rap and in bass drums, both acoustic and electric guitars sound clean, drums are smooth, and I'm generally hearing parts of songs I have not previously heard (echoing, multiple guitars/pitches, etc).
Bottom line? These are great buds. While I'm guessing there are better-sounding ones out there, a college student on a budget like me or anyone not looking to spend big bucks but get highly impressive sound should give these a shot. - Jbuds - Headphones - Ipod Earbuds - Earbuds'
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