I do not have the bucks to spend $3-5.00 on a single greeting card. I feel that store purchased cards do not reflect me. I would rather spend the time and create my own greetings card. Shopping for card stock, for the most part does not provide me with the quarter fold cards at stores like Staples, etc. If I do find them, they are much more expensive than purchasing through Amazon. I do most of my online shopping through these guys, and do love it.
Berni Avery 3266 Quarter-Fold Blank Cards
This is perfect for printing cards to various kids' birthday parties - the kids appreciate getting their name and customized pictures/messages on the cards, and it's cheaper for you. That being said, it could be cheaper, since you could just download the free software from Avery.com for card printing, and print on regular white paper. The colors won't be as vivid (this paper does bring out the images beautifully), but really I don't think your audience cares all that much, especially since the card is folded in a quarter-fold anyway so they can see it's printed at home. I probably won't buy any more unless the price drops to about $5-6 (with free Amazon Prime shipping), and instead will just print with the software on regular printer paper. Envelopes are included for the 20 card papers.
I use these cards to thank people for the donations to our veterans' organization (Patrol Craft Sailors Association) museum model fund. This allows me to thank them, keep them updated on the current amount of the fund, and furnish them a receipt for their donation.
One package I received didn't have very definitive creases for folding. I wrote Avery and they sent me a replacement. I have been using this product before I became treasurer and this was the first problem I had.
The four fold card allows you to put a picture or logo on the front and the message/messages on the inside.
The cards are good--some don't fold as easily. The card stock does not have to be as heavy as it is.
Also, sometimes the cards are dented on corners because they are not packed correctly. I've had several boxes with dented ends.
Hi there.
I really like this product it works well with my HP printer. The price was wonderful especially after I had spent more for the same thing at Staples the week before. I should have checked here first. From now on thats what I will do. A very good product. Linda - Blank Cards - Avery - Greeting Card Stock - Greeting Card Paper'
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