The replacement screen worked great. It was pretty easy to install. I liked getting all the small tools needed to get the old screen off included in the package. There are cheaper ways to repair the screen like just buying the front glass only but that is a much more difficult project because when trying to pry the old glass off the plastic frame, the frame gets warped and misshapen which makes it difficult to put the phone back together like it originally was. With this repair kit, everything goes back together seamless. Be very careful with the paper thin ribbon cables when you're attaching them back to the logic board because they're very easy to tear and if you do, you'll have to buy a whole new kit. Pre-installed Kit : Apple iPhone 3G Lcd Glass Screen Cover + Touch Screen Digitizer + Frame + Home Flex Button + Ear Speaker + Tool + Foam Pad on Flex
I ordered the pre-installed kit thinking I'd save time and aggravation over having to remove the glass and glue from the old frame. While the kit was easy to install, I feel the new frame assembly is substandard.
I have to practically mash the home button through the back of the phone to get it to respond at all. The proximity and light sensors seem to be completely non-functional as well.
If I had this purchase to do over again, I would just buy the glass kit for a quarter of the price and use the original frame parts. It might have been more of a hassle, but at least I would have the full functionality of the phone.
This worked like a charm. I would highly recommend purchasing the pre-assebled screen assembly over just purchasing replacement glass. This assembly makes it a real snap to replace broken or cracked glass, and compared to AppleCare's $199 charge to replace the glass, it is very reasonable. I would recommend this item to anyone who has repair savvy and a cracked screen. Pay the extra to get the whole assembly.
So I've read all the reviews on Amazon and 50% seem to be great, 50% seem to be bad. For the price, I decided to try it. Let me first start off by saying, if it didn't fit like the original, I would have returned it immediately. I am borderline OCD, and "close to perfect" wasn't going to cut it for me. This is also the FIRST time I've ever done this. I'm by no means a professional or anything close to a professional.
What You Get: 4 out of 5
You get everything you need. Not many people have an optical screwdriver (a very small bit). I was thankful that they included it even though I had one already. I can imagine it'll save some people the trip out to the store. The plastic prying tools are cheap and will bend and stress. Not a big deal since you don't need them too often. For the price, the tool quality is expected. The glass, digitizer, and mid frame are almost identical to the original!
Install and Fitment: 5 out of 5
Honestly, I didn't expect much for the price. I was pretty sure it was going to fit a bit awkwardly, but I was dead wrong. The install was flawless and very easy (Again, I am no professional). I compared it to a friends iPhone and the glass on the new kit sits flush with the chrome bezel. The OEM iPhone glass sits a tiny bit higher. I love how flush it sits now. Could this be because the glass is a bit thinner than the OEM glass? Possibly, but the glass does not feel weak at all. Another thing reviewers have complained about is compatibility when it comes to the #2 cable. It clicked in just fine for me. Please note that the 3GS repair kit is different from the 3G repair kit. This may be the reason some compatibility issues occurred for others.
Functionality: 5 out of 5
Two problems that I kept reading about was the home button and the speaker volume. The home button was a bit stiff and unresponsive once I installed it. I was a second away from taking it apart and sending it back. I decided to just sit there and press it 50-60 times to see if it'd fix itself. Fortunately, it did! It responds just as well as the OEM iPhone. I guess it needed to be "broken in" a bit. Secondly, the speaker volume was fine for me. I noticed a tiny thin clean protective sticker directly over the ear speaker hole when installing it. Perhaps some reviewers overlooked this sticker and therefore, experienced low speaker volume.
Overall: 5 out of 5
I'm really happy with it. It fits better than the original glass (no tiny ledge for dust to gather like the OEM glass). Overall, the digitizer is very responsive, the home button works fine after an initial 50 presses, and the speaker volume is more than clear. The cheapest alternative was to have a local professional fix it for $60 + tax. I saved over 50% by doing it myself. Let me reiterate that I am NOT a professional in any way and repaired the phone with ease. It took me about 20 minutes total. I highly recommend watching all the YouTube tutorials about the issue just to get a sense of what you're doing.
Hope this helps somebody! - Iphone 3g - Iphone Replacement Glass - Iphone Glass Screen - Iphone Screen Repair'
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