Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Cycling - pads

These were easier to install than I expected and provide stronger grab than my original equipment Aztec brakes. However, I noticed after one commute in the rain that they were dramatically less powerful when wet, whereas my originals were still quite effective in the wet stuff.

Still, a good value for the money, just ride aware of the wet performance issue. Promax V-brake Pad W/thread

Perfect fit for my bike. They seem to last just as long if not longer than the older style brakes. Just make sure this is the kind of brake that your bicycle needs before buying them. Seems to be made well and fit many types of bikes that use this brake pad.

Replacing my old brakes took less than 5 minutes. These come with bolts and screws so you just need a star-wrench multi-tool set and you're away laughing.

The braking power is impressive. Would purchase again.

These have fine stopping power, but I rode in the rain today and they squealed at a level I have never encountered before. These will wake the whole neighborhood in the morning. I'll tolerate some noise, but this was truly unbelievable.

I put a set of Aztec2's on the back and they were totally silent.

These are really good brakes, you can really feel the differnece in stopping power that these brakes have. I havn't used them when my wheels were wet though, so I don't know how they work then. But otherwise I have had no problems with them. - Pads'

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