Sunday, 4 January 2009

Kitchen Gadgets - humor, fred

This is a great measuring cup including mls and standard cups as well as unique measurements up the side. The text is easily readable. There are a few included recipes - which albeit confusing - use their measures. This is sure to delight any geek - I am pretty sure the rest of you will enjoy it too. Unfortunately, the glass is ridiculously thin. I have a beaker mug from Think Geek and even it is thicker glass. While I do not regret the purchase, it will not stand up to everyday use.

Update: After less than a month of fairly daily use, it did break, so be warned! Fred Equal Measure Measuring Cup

Everyone enjoys the incredible but true alternate measurements on this very functional measuring cup. Though a little lightweight for kitchen use - it's no Pyrex - it is definitely worth having for the unique measurements it displays. A great learning tool for kids, too!

I got this as a birthday present, and I absolutely loved the idea of it. Unfortunately though, the glass is so thin and fragile that it cracked as soon as I started to use it. Maybe eating cereal out of it was a bad idea, but any cup should be able to withstand normal use without breaking. The glass is definitely way too thin, no where near the durability of your usual Pyrex measuring cup.

I would not buy this for myself of another as a present, because what's the point of a cup if you can't even use it?

absolutely the biggest waste of time. I ordered it b/c i did happen to need another measuring cup and thought this was unique. Well, the first one was shattered before i even opened the box. I could hear the glass pieces klinking around. I ordered a replacement and that came shattered also. Not quite as bad as the first box. But broken, nonetheless. Upon review of the second broken measuring cup i see that it is made out of the thinnest glass possible. I don't know how you would use this. It feels like it would shatter if i gently put it on the table. let alone use it for cooking/measuring. Absolutely stupid of them. Don't waste your money or time trying to oder this product.

I'm very happy with all the labels that are on BOTH sides of the container. They are interesting and is good at putting things in perspective.

Unfortunately... This is a very flimsy item and I am afraid of putting this container in the hands of a child. I suppose it would depend on the nature of the child but as it was stated earlier, this is definitely not your pyrex measuring cup. This measuring cup needs to be PLACED or SET DOWN everywhere. Dropping cup this is not an option and supervision is required unless your child is much older and can reliably be trusted to handle broken glass without your presence.

The first one I ordered (2008) broke while mixing up sweet potato puree. Bottom broke clean through. Got a replacement from Amazon and just now noticed the same issue, nice neat hole right in the bottom. No idea when it happened, but the cup hasn't been used, just moved around.

Great for a novelty item, but unlike other Fred products that can be used as kitchen tools, this one should be filled with some nice looking styrofoam peanuts and left on the counter in the hopes no one touches it or sets it down too hard.

The cup is unusual and generates interest to all who hold it, thus it does not warrant the lowest rating of 1 star.

However, it is a novelty item only. It is not practical for even occasional use in an everyday kitchen. Broke after about 6 uses and I am not even sure how. Very thin glass which is very susceptible to heat/cold and hard landings (not even dropping...just a firm placement on a hard surface). If you treat it like a fine crystal champagne flute you should be OK, but that is not my idea of a kitchen tool.

READ THE OTHER REVIEWS! BELIEVE THEM! - Measuring Cup - Humor - Measuring Tools - Fred'

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  • measuring tools