Thursday, 4 February 2010

Quadruple Combination - quad combination, latter day saints

all of these reviews are about religion and argueing mormonism? What about the kindle version of the book? how it's presented? whether it's searchable? Whether it is indexed chapter and verse? What about Kindle's publication? Is it any good?

Who cares about arguing religion in a book review! Mormon Church's (LDS) Sacred Texts: the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price (Mobi Spiritual)

I was using this in churh and went to the Joseph Smith section and was surprised to find antimormon stories about JS being a treasure seaker and generally really slamming the Prophet. I has to remove this book from my Kindle right away becuase it was so distrubing. Purchase a different version if you want to use this in church.

I love my Kindle and Amazon Books. Amazon is the premire book seller not just in the US, but in the world! It is hard to review every book that they sell. This has holy writ mixed with anti-Moromon literature. I bought a set of scripture for less than $10 and I love them. Some poor writers have defiled this set of sriptures, buy something else!Mormon Church's (LDS) Sacred Texts: the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price

The links and layout of the works are nicely done and it is a good collection.

My only complaint is that, as best as I can tell, this is not the 1830 edition of the text as the work claims. This won't matter for your average reader, but as a graduate student of Religious Studies this is very frustrating. I had to buy the other edition that actually is the 1830 edition, "The Book of Mormon: 1830 Original Edition."

I'm so very happy that I can now get my favorite LDS texts on kindle, on audio download and read them electronically online. I can carry with me at all times my favorite stories on my kindle and on my iPod. I love this new technology. I'm also very, VERY glad the church has released the texts to Amazon's kindle to make this available to all.

This is wonderful.

This book is boring, racist, poorly written, full of chronological inconsistencies, plagiarism, outright lying, and an utter work of fiction. Don't waste your time reading it. Get the cliff notes or something if you must.

ugh. it's only use is possibly helping you to fall asleep.

Without this book and what it represents I would be lost in life. It has given me meaning and purpose to continue through hard times. Through it I have come to know that God knows and loves me, that I am His son and that He has a plan for all of us: We are here on earth to learn and to grow to be more like Him. But he knew we would make mistakes and sin and therefore, He provided us a way to be forgiven through the eternal sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ. By repenting and accepting Christ as our Savior we can be purified and return to live with our Father in Heaven after this life. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God as recieved and written by prophets of old in the Americas. I know that it was translated by the power of God through Joseph Smith and through Joseph Smith, God established His true church in our day: The Church of jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - Joseph Smith - Lds Hymns - Quad Combination - Latter Day Saints'

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